golf society deals

How do golf societies decide which courses to play?

Golf societies typically have a committee or group of organisers who are responsible for selecting the golf courses that the society will play at. The process for selecting a golf course can vary depending on the society, such as if there are any golf society deals, but other factors that may be considered include:

  1. Location: The golf course should be easily accessible for all members of the society. It should also be within a reasonable distance from the society’s base location.
  2. Course quality: The golf course should be of a high standard and offer a challenging yet enjoyable round of golf. The condition of the course, including the quality of the greens, fairways, and bunkers, should also be taken into consideration.
  3. Price: The cost of playing at the golf course should be reasonable and affordable for all members of the society. The society may negotiate group rates with the golf courses to get better golf society deals.
  4. Facilities: The golf course should have adequate facilities such as a clubhouse, changing rooms, and a restaurant or bar where members can relax and socialise after the round.
  5. Reputation: The golf course’s reputation within the golfing community should also be taken into account. The society may ask for recommendations from other golfers or consult reviews online.
  6. Availability: The golf course should have availability on the date and time that the society wishes to play.

Ultimately, the decision on which golf course to play at will depend on a combination of these factors and the preferences of the society’s members. The society may also rotate between different courses to keep things fresh and offer variety or just go to where the golf society deals are.

If you think any other points need to be added please feel free to email [email protected]

Check out the Society of the Month section to see what some societies consider.

If you want to play some of the Top 100 Courses then check out some of the great packages on offer with these events – Top 100 Tour Events